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Eliza Jade Brown, LCSW
I am currently accepting new clients. Learn more about my specialties and the therapy I provide: Mindfulscape: About
More Immediate Support
Please refer to website to learn their availability. Some may not provide crisis support.
988 Website - 988
Call BlackLine - 1 (800) 604 - 5841
LGBT National Help Center - 1 (888) 843 - 4564
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) - 1 (800) 950 - 6264
National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1 (800) 799 - 7233
SAMSA - 1 (800) 622 - 4357
StrongHearts Native Helpline - (844) 762 - 8483
The Trevor Project - 1 (866) 488 - 7386
Thrive Lifeline - (877) 565 - 8860
Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line - (888) 407 - 4515
Based in the Austin, TX Area
Asian Family Support Services of Austin (AFSSA) - 1 (877) 281 - 8371
Kind Clinic - (833) 937 - 5463
Meadows Outpatient Austin - (866) 536 - 5511
Sage Recovery Austin - (512) 306 - 1394
Search Engines
​Inclusive Therapists
Best for those seeking inclusive and diverse therapists. Founders are also familiar with the Austin, TX area
Most comprehensive list of therapist and mental health providers
Search engine that can simplify the process with found provider.
Therapists who can provide sliding scale (lower private pay)
Convenient and virtual medication providers that do not stigmatize ADHD. Accepts Insurance
Convenient and virtual medication providers that do not stigmatize ADHD. For those without insurance or wish to pay privately.
Therapist Referrals
Mindfulscape is not a group practice and consults with skilled therapist colleagues in their independent practices.
NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)

Cherie B. Concepcion, LMFT
Cherie and I completed the International NARM Training in 2022. I consult Cherie on depth oriented psychotherapy with her experience in Pacifica Graduate and she has shared about her practice of Yoga Nidra.

Edward Fajardo, PsyD
I met Edward at the International NARM Training in 2022. Edward and I consult monthly with Cherie, and he and I are on the Board of Directors for Kasamahan supporting other Filipino therapists to consider their Filipino intergenerational trauma and wisdom.

Monti Pal, LPC
Monti and I completed the in-person Master NARM Training held in 2023. I consult her for questions related to psychedelic assisted therapy and integration, and Giftedness.

Sherry Hatalsky, LCSW
I met Sherry at the in-person Master NARM Training in 2023. I consult her on her application of psychedelics and NARM. We also consider DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion).

Fadya Albakry, LPC, LCDC
Fadya and I met through the local Austin NARM community, and I consult with her on narcissistic personality disorder and her training in Somatic Experiencing (SE). She is also active in the larger Austin bipoc therapist community.

Whitney Sutherland, LPC
Whitney and I met through the NARM Community and she was in my Master NARM Training cohort. She is the primary therapist I consult with in-depth regarding NARM specific concepts.
Other Therapy Modalities

Erika Equivel, LPC
I met Erika through a local private practice consultation group in 2022. I consult her on cultural trauma and her knowledge of Mexican American immigrant culture. She is also bilingual in Spanish.​

Judi Yapias, LPC
Judi and I participated in AACHI's Asian Behavioral Health Network in 2023, and we continue to meet through Kasamahan and locally, consulting on our shared interest in indigenous psychology, and her knowledge of school counseling.​

Thomas Khang Dong, LPC
Thomas is a former coworker at a local outpatient program. He is a great local resource and I consult him in his expertise with the Gottman method and couples work.​

Charisse Ferrer, LPC-S
Charisse, Judi, and I are Filipino/a/x therapists based in Austin, TX. Charisse recently moved her practice to Austin from Houston, and is skilled in working with high conflict couples through EFT.​
Bitna Lee, LCSW
Bitna and I met when she first moved from Virginia. She is bilingual with Korean and I consult her on multicultural and women's health issues.

Matthew Harmon, LCSW-S
Matthew is a former coworker. The care he provides is shorter term and structured. I recommend him for those seeking this kind of therapy specifically TEAM-CBT and EMDR.

Marla Sanderson, LMFT-S
Marla is a former coworker at the Austin Mindfulness Center and she continues as their clinical director and meets with clients outside of this role. I consult her on our shared specialty of ADHD.
Other Therapeutic Disciplines

Charmaine Cheryle
Charmaine is a Babaylan practitioner. She and I connected by chance when I supported Kasamahan to include non-western healers in our Salo-Salos. I have experienced surprising synchronicity with Charmaine and I am curious if others will too.
Communities and Organizations
I have participated in the following communities and organizations, and recommend them as resources for others.

NARM Communities
The NARM Institute is based in Europe and the Complex Trauma Training Center is based in North America and both are focused on training therapists in skillfully addressing Complex PTSD. I completed the therapist level training in 2022 with international therapists held online through the NARM Institute and then I completed the master therapist level training in 2023 in-person through the complex trauma training center.
The NARM Training Institute
The Complex Trauma Training Center

Filipino/a/x mental health nonprofit organization that supports the education of Filipino mental health professionals and their communities. I am on their Board of Directors and attend their events.

Maternal Gift Economy
International group of accomplished female identified elders outside of government. I attended their recent conference held online, and plan to participate through watching their past recordings.
Maternal Gift Economy Movement

Center for Babaylan Studies
Filipino diasporic nonprofit organization focused on re-indigenization efforts in different disciplines. I participate in their monthly meetings.
Center for Babaylan Studies
Community and Nature Spaces - Austin, TX

Community Spaces - Austin, TX Area
Indoor spaces to visit that is open to the community.
Nature Spaces - Austin, TX Area
My recommendations for nature spaces and parks to visit and start a practice of mindfulness outside focused on nature.

State Parks - Austin, TX Area
View List via Google Maps